Thursday, September 30, 2010

Celibacy Part Two

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

On October 1st I entered my tenth month of celibacy and I will admit I am more frustrated than ever. So you may be asking yourself "why are you celibate"? Simple "I am looking for a monogamous relationship"! I want to be with someone that I can be totally uninhibited with sexually. I can't be that way with someone that I am just having casual sex with. I will admit that I am possessive and that I am more aroused when I am the only one making you feel some kind of way. Until I can find that special someone I rather remain celibate because just having casual sex no longer satisfies me anymore. Recently one of my close friends asked me some interesting questions about me being celibate.
What is it like to be celibate? I am ten months in and I am going to be very truthful when I say that I have been very stressed and frustrated. I haven’t even used any toys to release any sexual tension.

What do you do when you become aroused?
Food has become my best friend. I crave anything rich and flavorful. I new eating habits have caused me to go through puberty again because I have developed and serious case of acne. I try not to watch anything that involves a lot of sexual content to avoid any sexual thoughts.
How did you manage to last this long? This first month was easy because I had the flu and once I got over that I caught a cold. There aren't that many people lined up to sleep with you when you are sick. The next couple of months were fine the stress and frustration did start to show until six months in. I became moody and that's when my late night food cravings began. I didn't devolope acne until month eight and it didn't get worst until month nine. I seem to finally have the acne and my eating habits back under control. My want and need to have sex seems to be fading away.
What happened to the last guy? I didn't choose to be celibate because of a man. There was no failed relationship or heartbreak that led me to this decision. As for the last guy somethings aren't meant to last I guess. The only thing about being celibate is dating. Its hard to tell if someone dating you for you are just to see if they can be the first one to sleep with you.

As I stated in part one being celibate is not easy. It is not only a mental but physical challenge as well. Whatever your reason for choosing to be celibate please remember that it is worth it

Check out this video out:

Let's Talk About Love: Santa Monica Ep. 1 from Trillvision on Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Celibacy Part One

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

The complete freedom from all kinds of sexual thoughts and wishes is known as celibacy. It is defined as a complete and the total control of all senses in thoughts, words, and deeds. Celibacy is not just bachelorhood, but a strict abstinence from sexual intercourse, auto-erotic manifestations, masturbation, homosexual acts and all pervert sexual practices. There are many different reasons why some people practice celibacy. Some of these reasons include: Religious belief, focus on one's career, an attempt to gain a sense of self and independence from others, to avoiding being emotionally hurt, or the lack of a sexual appetite. According to the basics of celibacy semen is the essence of life and should not be wasted if one wants to stay healthy. The many benefits of celibacy include:

Social benefits: People who practice celibacy can socialize with and get involved in dating with people of opposite sex without having any pressures and discomfort of negotiating with them for sex.

Prevents pregnancy: Getting involved in sexual acts with the opposite sex results in unexpected and unwanted pregnancies.

Natural protection against diseases: Unprotected or unsafe sex results in the occurrence of many sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS. Even after using artificial contraceptives like condoms transmission of these diseases occurs because of failure of these contraceptives.

Success in marriage Keeping strictly away from sex until marriage, helps in bringing success to married life. Studies have revealed that people who enjoy sex before marriage are at a greater risk of keeping their partners dissatisfied and getting divorced.

Teaches unconditional love Maintaining celibacy helps a person to learn to love unconditionally than just lust. Relationships that are based on lust often end up in failure. This is because lust that holds them together soon subsides leaving behind a stream of emptiness. Relationships that are based on love and affection are concerned with the inner person than outer appearances and are permanent.

Builds a stronger relationship Sex interferes with the essence of any relationship. Many couples blame sex to be the major cause of breaking their otherwise healthy relationships. Partners stopped knowing each other as most of their time went away in focusing on sex.

Prevents depression Failure in sexual relationship brings heartbreak, anger, regret, feeling of being worthless and emotional turmoil to both the partners.

Practicing celibacy does not cause any danger and disease to the human body. Being Celibate is not easy especially if you are just starting out. Being celibate does not mean going without sex for just a month. It is something that you have to be willing to do mentally and physically. There are side effects to being celibate which includes excessive hunger, anger, sleepless nights, and acne. I will admit that this is not for everyone and yes I have tried this myself. Stay tuned for part two of Celibacy as I give you detailed information of what its like to be Celibate.

Celibacy Part 2