Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cuffin Season Contract

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: Black Ice Magazine

CUFFING SEASON (noun) - Period of time in which a man secures a woman’s services for companionship, sexual favors & most importantly to stack paper.

Terms & Conditions

1. Duration - The season begins September 12, 2011(The Monday after Labor Day) & ends May 18, 2012(10 days before Memorial Day). These bookend dates give you sufficient time to acquire a prime free agent to begin your cuff before the start of the NFL season. It also allows you to let them down easy as their contract comes to a close.

2. Who - Choosing who to cuff is essential to your happiness in this season. Try to select a woman with a birthday between June & September & is gainfully employed. Research has found that black women are the best option to acquire because they are so desperate for attention after being ignored all Jump Off season aka summertime that they’ll do any & everything to satisfy you. Understand by cuffing a black woman you are more than likely acquiring a past & most certainly future scorned woman, tread lightly. Dominicans & the ever so popular “Other” are a distant second. Why? Well it is a known fact that cuffing season also masks as breeding season and who gets pregnant faster than Dominican women? Matter fact, if she’s a Dominican without a child you can rest assure her box is wretched and cease all cuffing negations at once. However, Dominicans are amazing to cuff because they will treat you like a king but always try to extend their contract with performance. ”Other” is in play here for the simple fact they are known to be the best looking women on the planet BUT they usually are not good for much else. So when interviewing an “Other” candidate please check her resume’ for domestic history.

3. Responsibilities - The most intricate of them all. She is to cook or bring over dinner at your beckoning call. Cleaning must be done at the very least once a week, including bathroom(they always think that room is an exception, not this season). During sporting events she must have snacks & drinks ready by 12 (noon) & dinner(made or ordered) by 7:15pm the exact time ‘Football in America” on NBC begins. During the actual games, if you have guest over, she must have a book to read & be in a separate room, fully clothed(socks included). NOT parading around in boy shorts & a halter top with no bra showing her supple nipples (See Nerd & Wayno’s Thirst 48) this is a thirst trap. Being that we may not have an NBA season(yes the Knicks got Melo) I ask that you download your teams schedule & she must give you sex during said teams scheduled game. By no means is she ever allowed to wear a scarf, durag or any other contraption on her head while sleeping over. Any masks, retainers or bullshit are prohibited. She is also subject to a thorough search upon entering & exiting your domicile. She may not leave with anything she didn’t come with(I had forks & socks stolen last season smh). All men are different so the rest of her responsibilities are at your discretion but the above is the prerequisite.

4. Social Interaction - The only parties she is allowed to attend are those thrown for an immediate family member, your birthday & her office holiday party. Fuck is she doing out dressed like a “slutty officer” or “slutty nurse” on Halloween? I know Thanksgiving Eve is the biggest party night of the year but she should be in a kitchen prepping for the next day. Christmas she shall be allowed out for Midnight Mass and that is it. New Years Eve? No you can count on her being right next to you on the couch drinking your favorite drink & allowing you to penetrate her by 12:07 after calling her family(immediate only). Facebook is the land of unwaranted thirst & filth so please make sure her relationship status read “Taken”. Nothing more & nothing less. Lastly, if she has a twitter the only acceptable tweets are “#GymFlow” “Mani/Pedi” “Movie night” or any variation of innocence. By no means is she ever allowed to tweet about “Him” because you sir are indeed “Him” & she’s disrespecting your handle 100% by associating you with the ever scandoulous, trifling miscreant “Him”.

5. Benefits - In the interest of fairness, she should reap benefits during this season. You are to allote 30% of your DVR space for her favorite programming but make sure the erase time is set for 2 days. By no means can she get too comfortable, let’s not get out of hand here. If her birthday unfortunately lands during the season, she is allowed to go to her favorite restaurant(at your expense) with her girlfriends(all of which you must screen). She is allowed to leave up to but never exceed four(4) pieces of her property at your domicile for a sense of comfotability. Said articles include a pair of house shoes, a toothbrush, a comb & sweater. Never is she to have any closet space nor leave any feminine products on your premises.

6. Conclusion - This is very delicate. Women are unstable creatures of habit & they conform when comfortable. So when the season comes to an end make sure you break the news in a crowded public area. Preferably you should be good about it & take her out & spend some(as little as possible) of the paper stacked on her as you release her from your roster. Severance packages may be available in the form of considering her for next years Cuffing Season.
These are the rules & they are NON-NEGOTIABLE but feel free to add on anything you feel I may have omitted. I wish you all luck & Happy Cuffing.
This is not the official opinion of mine but its something that I found and wanted to share with you all.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

Can a man and woman be friends without having sex? Many people find this scenario hard to believe but yes they can. A man and a woman can be friends as long as they don’t cross that boundary line. Now I am not saying that they can’t be attracted to each other. They can either share a single attraction or a mutual attraction in the relationship. Sex can either make or break the relationship because they not only know that person’s hopes and fears but they now know that person up close and personal along with their desires. That alone can kill a relationship because how can you look at that person the same. Can you really feel comfortable looking your friend in the eye as they talk about someone new that they really like or hear about a recent sexual experience? Now if you were in a previous relationship and parted ways on good terms you can still only be friends as long as you two do not cross that line. Now if your ex was great in bed and you two are now just friends it may be hard to stay in the friend zone so you have to make a decision on whether or not you can still stay friends. If you still want to be friends you may have to be strong and be able to not give into temptation should it arrive.
Most people do not approve of male and female relationships based on their own personal experience. If you sleep with all your friends then it will be hard for you to believe otherwise. A man should always have one good female friend and vice versa. This is so that they can have someone to confide in when they are either dating or in relationships. For example if a man solely depends on his male friends on how to treat a woman or what a woman likes then he can be totally lost on how to treat the right woman when she comes along and vice versa.

Sex Love & Lies Trailer 4 Web Series

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cuffin Season Part 2

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

As you may have noticed, each week is color coded to indicate the level of urgency. Green being the least severe and obviously Red being the most critical. That first weekend in Sept. is a make or break weekend.

The summer is coming to an end and there’s at least one more big party/BBQ weekend. Labor Day. You now have the perfect excuse for your 1st ‘date’ like meeting. Invite her out to a BBQ. A party. Beach. Something. Use the holiday to YOUR advantage. Her last big event of the summer ending with you is a plus. No one really wants to hang around the house, so if she doesn’t have plans and you seem sincere, she’s probably going.

Remember it IS a long weekend, no need to be in her face first thing Tuesday. A text to see how she’s doing is cool. No date the following weekend either. Just stick to building up a rapport via conversation. Slow and steady. No need to overdo it unless she’s giving off signs. Plan something the following week. Things go well? Start throwing in Good mornings texts. The rest of the calendar should be rather straight forward.

If you were able to at least loosely follow the steps up until the start of Cuffin Season, you would have had:

1) 2 dates ( The option of a 3rd is possible during the no date week, but that’s based on the signals you’ve been getting. Don’t push.)

2) Went back and forth via text a few times and also sent the infamous “Good Morning” text to which you would have gotten a reply each time.

3) Talked atleast 2x (3x) on the phone with one of them being a long late night cake call. You know the ones. The “Oh shit look at the time. It didn’t even seem like we were talking for so long..” calls.

Congratulations for making it this far. You’re already on the last lap, now its time to secure the win. All that’s left is to make it official. October unlike September, is a very part is open-ended month. Meaning I can’t tell you exactly what to say and when to say it. No two people are the same. This is where judging from all the signals you’ve been getting, you’ll have to figure out exactly when is the most appropriate time.

I will however implore you to do so prior to the heavy #thirstrush. The thirst rush is usually around the time the majority of guys from her past ( Ex’s, current friends, possibly ‘the guy friend’ as well) start getting into their feelings heavily and begin sending those “hey stranger” etc texts and making phone calls professing their love in larger amounts. It begins around the 8th of Oct and concludes towards the end of the month. Be warned, it may start slow, but the colder and later into October we go, the stronger the rush gets.

The most dangerous week falls between October 24th – October 29th. This is known as #MarvinsWeek or #DrakeWeepWeek. Coincidentally, Drake’s “Take Care” album drops October 24th. The sheer amount of Marvin’s room texts will be unimaginable. Your best bet is to wrap this this on a friday / sat. “I really like how things have been going between us. How would you feel if..” You have 3 weekends in which to do so. Pick what works for you. Preferably the weekend before the thirst rush reaches critical levels. If all goes well, you would’ve already sealed the deal and both parties have embraced the Cuff. All those “I miss us” texts from the following #marvinsweek will fall on deaf ears. She’s focused on you and only you. Alright, looks like my jobs done here.

by: Dennis

DATING 101: A Rose By Any Other Color

Now let us get down to what the different colors mean when you are selecting roses for you date:
Red – Love, Beauty, Romantic love, Sincere love, I love you.
Red Dark – Unconscious beauty
Red Single – I love you
Deep Burgundy – Unconscious beauty
White – Purity, Innocence, Silence, Secrecy, Humility, Youthfulness, Heavenly, “I am worthy of you”
Pink – Appreciation, “Thank you”, Grace, Perfect happiness, “Please believe me”, Admiration,
Dark Pink – Appreciation, Gratitude, “Thank you”
Light Pink – Admiration, Sympathy, Gentleness, Joy, Sweetness, Grace, Gladness
Yellow – Joy, Friendship, Delight, Promise of a new beginning, I care, Welcome back, Jealousy
Yellow with Red tip – Friendship, Falling in love
Orange – Desire, Enthusiasm
Red and White – When given together they signify unity
Red and Yellow – Happy feelings
Peach - Appreciation, Closing the deal, Let’s get together, Sincerity, Gratitude
Pale Peach – Modesty
Coral – Desire
Lavender – Love at first sight
Orange – Enthusiasm, Fascination, Desire
Black – Death, Farewell
Blue – The unattainable, The impossible
Single –any color – Simplicity, Gratitude
Red Rosebud – Symbolic of purity and loveliness
White Rosebud – Symbolic of girlhood
Thorn-less Rose – “Love at first sight”

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

DATING 101: What is dating etiquette?

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

What is dating etiquette? Well this will give you a basic rundown of some do’s and don’ts on a date.

On the date the man should always open the door for the lady and at the start of the date he should greet her at the door. Do not:

1) Call her and tell her to come outside.

2) Honk your horn till they come outside.

3) Yell out the car window for her to come outside.

Should I Get a Gift?

One question that has been asked is if a gift should be given on the first date. I don’t believe in gifts on first dates unless it is their birthday. If it is a birthday a card should be sufficient. Spending money on an extremely nice or expensive gift is not necessary because you don’t really know that person and if they are expecting that then that may not be the person that you are looking to date seriously. Flowers are an optional gift if you are going to get one at all. Flowers can speak volumes if you make the right selection. If she mentions that she likes flowers and she mentions on that she likes then get that one. If she does not mention any then roses are a safe bet. Because it’s a first date a single rose is sufficient. You don’t have to buy a bouquet unless you want to. If you are going for a romantic touch please be in mind that each rose that has a different color also has a different meaning as well. Carnations are also a great flower to get as well.

At The Restaurant

Once at the restaurant the man should pull out her chair or wait for her to be seated first. Offer to assist her in taking off her coat. When ordering your meal please order entrees that you like and based on how hungry you are. Don’t order steak and lobster if you only have an appetite for an appetizer and vice versa. If you can’t finish your entrée get a “take out box”. There is nothing worst that watching your date eat two bites and then saying that they are full with a dish that is costing you $25 or more. That will definitely end the night early. When paying for the meal the one that asks for the date is the one that should be paying. When planning the date you already know what you budget is so make sure it is something that you can afford. Don’t ask your date to the movies and then hope they don’t ask for refreshments because you don’t have enough money.


During the date three subjects should never be discussed are religion, politics, and abortions. These are not topics of casual conversation. These are debate topics. Remember you are trying to get to know a person. In the getting to know a person process it will help you to later understand why they have certain views about a subject. If you are going to talk about your past relationships please keep it short and simple. The best way to answer the question is to state that things just did not work out. The details specific details are not of importance during the first date. If talking about your past relationship is still painful then politely tell your date that you do not want to talk about it. Your date should respect that and change the subject.

If you are going to talk about children do not talk negative about the other parent. If the other parent is active in the child’s life then state that they are and if they are not then just say that they are not. Going into specifics as to why they are not active can be a bit overwhelming for a first date. An example of giving to much information is this:

Male: Why did the last guy let a beautiful woman let you get away?

Woman: This muthafcuka thought he was slick and was fucking my co-worker and thought I wasn’t going to find out. I fixed his ass and that bitch.

Can you see how that may sound a bit overwhelming to someone on the opposite end of the conversation? That only shows that you still have a lot of emotional baggage to deal with and you are definitely not ready to move on yet.

Leaving the Tip

Who should leave the tip? Customarily the one that is paying for the meal is the one that leaves the tip however it’s a new era. The one that is invited to dinner should leave the tip. Now the person paying the bill may just take care of the tip however you should always should make the first offer to get the tip. When leaving the tip don’t go cheap leave a 10% to 15% tip.

End of the Date

Men should always walk her to the door. If she insists that you don’t have to walk her to the door watch to make sure that she makes it to the door and makes it inside safely. Ladies like a sense of protection. If she is the driver on the date then call her to make sure that she made it home.

When it comes to the goodnight kiss please be aware that the goodnight kiss is optional and not mandatory. Goodnight kisses are earned and if you don’t get one then maybe you have not earned enough points to get the kiss yet. If there is a kiss hands should be at her waist. The kiss is not your opportunity to get free feels on your date unless she gives you permission to.

I hope some of these things give you an idea of what to do on a first date or any date at all. Married couples can also apply these rules when doing their date nights as well. Just because you are married does not mean the romance should end. You can always recreate a first date to continue the romance that you two share.

Friday, July 8, 2011

DATING 101: How a man should dress on the first date

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

So you have finally asked her out on the date and found the perfect location but what do you wear? Depending on the location depends on the attire. When choosing something to wear you always want to be comfortable but you never want to look like you just woke up out of bed. Besides being freshly shaven and having a fresh hair cut you need to take some time in choosing the right attire as well. White t-shirts and sagging pants are definitely a no, no. You are making your first big impression on this date. How you dress sends the right signals. A man in a suit or dressed business casual gives the impression of a stable man and a provider. Clothing that is to tight or to large symbolizes a man that is not serious about life. Your outfit can still be fun and comfortable.


If you are taking her on an evening dinner date you always want to wear a button down shirt and a nice pair of khakis or dress pants. The button down shirt should not contain large or many patterns on them. The shirt can be worn with or without a tie depending on the location that you have chosen for the date. When choosing a tie you want to choose something that adds the shirt and never choose comical patterns. I you have a difficult time choosing a tie you can always ask your tailor or the sales rep in the men’s department. If you are not wearing a tie then only the two top buttons of the shirt can be undone. Anything more than that gives the signal that you deem yourself a pimp or a gigolo which is a turn off. If you are going on a lunch or movie date a nice golf shirt or you can wear the long sleeve shirt as stated above. Graphic t-shirts are unacceptable. You don’t want her prejudging you based on the phase on your t-shirt.

Suit Jackets are optional depending on the weather you can wear a suit jacket. I would recommend bringing on along just in case you and your date decided to take a walk after wards. You may want to give her the jacket during the walk. The suit jacket should either match or compliment your pants. It does not have to match your shirt. The jacket should not be tight and should be of one solid color. Remember this is a first date and you want your date to be focused on you and not the many colors and patterns that you are wearing. The pants should be either khakis or dress pants. You can wear jeans as long as they are a nice clean pair that does not have any rips in them and please remember that you are wearing a belt (the origin of sagging came from jail). Pants below you butt is not sexy. Shoes should always be a nice pair of dress shoes preferably black or brown. If you are wearing tennis shoes a solid color or minimal colors would be preferred. Colorful dress shoes may be your style however you want to save that for a later date. You don’t want to wear bright color shoes unless you want to come across as a pimp please wear dress socks with dress shoes and not white socks). Accessories include one belt, one watch, and one ring. Necklaces are optional and should be kept at a one necklace minimum. Cologne should be light and not over powering. If you are not a sure what cologne to choose you can always use a classic favorite like Old Spice or you can even try using Axe ladies still like either or.

I hope that some of these tips help you to when you are preparing for your first date. You always want to make a good first impression even if you met and you were not dressed like above. Its always nice for a woman to see that a man has versatility in his style of dress. This makes a woman want to get to know you more.

Dating 101: Dating etiquette
Dating 101: What a woman should wear on a first date

DATING 101: How a woman should dress on the first date

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

So you have just met someone and you have spent countless hours on the phone getting to know that person and now you are ready for the first date. After you get past the critical part of deciding where to go you now have to figure out what do to wear. The destination always determines what one should wear. Dinner date, lunch date, movie date, or activities planned for the entire day choosing what to wear can’t be an easy task because you want to make a great impression. You want to pick something that you feel comfortable in but not too comfortable.


If it is an evening date the females should wear a nice cocktail dress (you should also include a spank with the dress to give that smooth look) that once again is not more than an four inches above the knee. Always wear the correct bra as well. You want a bra that seamless but gives great lift and has great shoulder support (a good bra gives the impression of fertility) the dress can reveal the shoulders but never give too much cleavage. You don’t want to give the wrong impression. As much as men are very visual they are very judge mental as well. If he is taking you to a restaurant and you wear the mini dress with a lot of cleavage you give him the impression that you are loose and that you will probably perform some sexual act for him at the end of the date. When making the right selection for underwear it is very important that you make a selection that fits the dress. When wearing a form fitting dress you want to wear seamless underwear or a thong. Make-up should enhance you facial features so you want to stick to browns, beige, and pinks. The same should be for the lipstick and gloss as well. Men like a woman who does not look like she has on a lot of make up because he likes to envision what he would like to wake up to each morning. If choosing the right color for you is hard take a trip to Sephora. The ladies and gentlemen are always happy to help you with making the right color choices even if you are not purchasing. The purse should be small preferably a clutch purse or small handbag. Heels should not be more than 4 inches. Anything over 6 inches should be saved for the bedroom. If you have purchased new shoes for the date you want to wear them around the house to make sure that you are able to walk in them. A woman with good posture in heels exudes confidence. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum. Ladies you either wear a fashionable watch or a nice bracelet never both. If the top of the dress has a fashionable design no necklace is needed. Small studded earrings are preferred. If you dress is simple in design a great pair of earrings are the only accessory that you need possible a drop or chandelier. Remember you jewelry should always compliment and never out shine. Perfume should be subtle and not over powering. If you do not like perfume than a try a great lotion from Bath and Body works from such as Chinese Cherry Blossom or Twilight. Last but not least we discuss hair. Ladies need to be clean shaven or waxed unless in previous conversation the other party states that he likes hairy women. If you are done like shaving you may want to try waxing (which is not as painful as you may think) or try using a man’s razor because the more blades that it has the more even the cut and less irritation. Hair should be natural or natural looking. If you have a bold color in your hair the color should compliment you skin tone and should not match your dress. No one wants to go out with a clown. If you are not a dress or skirt person black evening pants and a camisole or dressy tank top can work as well. A boot cut pant leg is great along with a great short blazer jacket and a large necklace. The shirt should be fun a flirty but never sheer or low cut tops. Ladies if you have double D’s you can still find a find top that works for you.
If you are going on a lunch date or a movie date the same rules apply as above. The difference with a lunch/movie date is what you wear. You can wear a dress if you like but follow the rules above. A lunch date is little more relaxing. A great pair of khakis with a wide waist can hold in a stomach. If you have a killer pair of calves you want to show off then cropped pants are for you. Never wear a mini skirt or shorts because that gives the wrong impression. Shirts once again should not reveal cleavage. Graphic tees are not appropriate because you don’t want you date to judge you because of what you shirt says (remember we are still in the get to know you stage). Large purses are also a no, no because it can symbolize baggage. No man or woman wants to feel like they are inheriting you problems and insecurities. Small purses symbolize that you have you life in perspective and you know what you like. A great example of a perfect outfit that you can wear to is a great button down shirt with large cuffs with a skinny or boot cut jeans. You can wear a great fitted blazer or feminine jacket. Large prints can be a distraction because you want your date to focus on you and not the large prints that you are wearing and the multi colors you have in your hair.


Ladies you don’t need to carry your entire life in a purse especially when going on a date. The top six items to carry in your purse are as follows:

1) Make-up compact with a mirror
2) Lip gloss/lipstick
3) Cash and credit
4) Keys
5) Condoms
6) Small compact comb/brush

These are the essential items that you should carry in your purse. I know that you may be wondering why I said carry condoms especially if it’s the first date and you are not planning on taking it to that level. Well I firmly believe that it is better to be safe than sorry. I can’t control how you decide to end the date but if you decide to skip the rest of the courtship and go straight to third base you want to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. But remember that going immediately to third base will not guarantee a second date or a phone call. You can remove yourself as an option as a potential partner and be moved to the hoe list.
Dating 101: How a man should dress on the first date
Dating 101: Dating etiquette