Friday, July 8, 2011

DATING 101: How a man should dress on the first date

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

So you have finally asked her out on the date and found the perfect location but what do you wear? Depending on the location depends on the attire. When choosing something to wear you always want to be comfortable but you never want to look like you just woke up out of bed. Besides being freshly shaven and having a fresh hair cut you need to take some time in choosing the right attire as well. White t-shirts and sagging pants are definitely a no, no. You are making your first big impression on this date. How you dress sends the right signals. A man in a suit or dressed business casual gives the impression of a stable man and a provider. Clothing that is to tight or to large symbolizes a man that is not serious about life. Your outfit can still be fun and comfortable.


If you are taking her on an evening dinner date you always want to wear a button down shirt and a nice pair of khakis or dress pants. The button down shirt should not contain large or many patterns on them. The shirt can be worn with or without a tie depending on the location that you have chosen for the date. When choosing a tie you want to choose something that adds the shirt and never choose comical patterns. I you have a difficult time choosing a tie you can always ask your tailor or the sales rep in the men’s department. If you are not wearing a tie then only the two top buttons of the shirt can be undone. Anything more than that gives the signal that you deem yourself a pimp or a gigolo which is a turn off. If you are going on a lunch or movie date a nice golf shirt or you can wear the long sleeve shirt as stated above. Graphic t-shirts are unacceptable. You don’t want her prejudging you based on the phase on your t-shirt.

Suit Jackets are optional depending on the weather you can wear a suit jacket. I would recommend bringing on along just in case you and your date decided to take a walk after wards. You may want to give her the jacket during the walk. The suit jacket should either match or compliment your pants. It does not have to match your shirt. The jacket should not be tight and should be of one solid color. Remember this is a first date and you want your date to be focused on you and not the many colors and patterns that you are wearing. The pants should be either khakis or dress pants. You can wear jeans as long as they are a nice clean pair that does not have any rips in them and please remember that you are wearing a belt (the origin of sagging came from jail). Pants below you butt is not sexy. Shoes should always be a nice pair of dress shoes preferably black or brown. If you are wearing tennis shoes a solid color or minimal colors would be preferred. Colorful dress shoes may be your style however you want to save that for a later date. You don’t want to wear bright color shoes unless you want to come across as a pimp please wear dress socks with dress shoes and not white socks). Accessories include one belt, one watch, and one ring. Necklaces are optional and should be kept at a one necklace minimum. Cologne should be light and not over powering. If you are not a sure what cologne to choose you can always use a classic favorite like Old Spice or you can even try using Axe ladies still like either or.

I hope that some of these tips help you to when you are preparing for your first date. You always want to make a good first impression even if you met and you were not dressed like above. Its always nice for a woman to see that a man has versatility in his style of dress. This makes a woman want to get to know you more.

Dating 101: Dating etiquette
Dating 101: What a woman should wear on a first date

DATING 101: How a woman should dress on the first date

To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine

So you have just met someone and you have spent countless hours on the phone getting to know that person and now you are ready for the first date. After you get past the critical part of deciding where to go you now have to figure out what do to wear. The destination always determines what one should wear. Dinner date, lunch date, movie date, or activities planned for the entire day choosing what to wear can’t be an easy task because you want to make a great impression. You want to pick something that you feel comfortable in but not too comfortable.


If it is an evening date the females should wear a nice cocktail dress (you should also include a spank with the dress to give that smooth look) that once again is not more than an four inches above the knee. Always wear the correct bra as well. You want a bra that seamless but gives great lift and has great shoulder support (a good bra gives the impression of fertility) the dress can reveal the shoulders but never give too much cleavage. You don’t want to give the wrong impression. As much as men are very visual they are very judge mental as well. If he is taking you to a restaurant and you wear the mini dress with a lot of cleavage you give him the impression that you are loose and that you will probably perform some sexual act for him at the end of the date. When making the right selection for underwear it is very important that you make a selection that fits the dress. When wearing a form fitting dress you want to wear seamless underwear or a thong. Make-up should enhance you facial features so you want to stick to browns, beige, and pinks. The same should be for the lipstick and gloss as well. Men like a woman who does not look like she has on a lot of make up because he likes to envision what he would like to wake up to each morning. If choosing the right color for you is hard take a trip to Sephora. The ladies and gentlemen are always happy to help you with making the right color choices even if you are not purchasing. The purse should be small preferably a clutch purse or small handbag. Heels should not be more than 4 inches. Anything over 6 inches should be saved for the bedroom. If you have purchased new shoes for the date you want to wear them around the house to make sure that you are able to walk in them. A woman with good posture in heels exudes confidence. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum. Ladies you either wear a fashionable watch or a nice bracelet never both. If the top of the dress has a fashionable design no necklace is needed. Small studded earrings are preferred. If you dress is simple in design a great pair of earrings are the only accessory that you need possible a drop or chandelier. Remember you jewelry should always compliment and never out shine. Perfume should be subtle and not over powering. If you do not like perfume than a try a great lotion from Bath and Body works from such as Chinese Cherry Blossom or Twilight. Last but not least we discuss hair. Ladies need to be clean shaven or waxed unless in previous conversation the other party states that he likes hairy women. If you are done like shaving you may want to try waxing (which is not as painful as you may think) or try using a man’s razor because the more blades that it has the more even the cut and less irritation. Hair should be natural or natural looking. If you have a bold color in your hair the color should compliment you skin tone and should not match your dress. No one wants to go out with a clown. If you are not a dress or skirt person black evening pants and a camisole or dressy tank top can work as well. A boot cut pant leg is great along with a great short blazer jacket and a large necklace. The shirt should be fun a flirty but never sheer or low cut tops. Ladies if you have double D’s you can still find a find top that works for you.
If you are going on a lunch date or a movie date the same rules apply as above. The difference with a lunch/movie date is what you wear. You can wear a dress if you like but follow the rules above. A lunch date is little more relaxing. A great pair of khakis with a wide waist can hold in a stomach. If you have a killer pair of calves you want to show off then cropped pants are for you. Never wear a mini skirt or shorts because that gives the wrong impression. Shirts once again should not reveal cleavage. Graphic tees are not appropriate because you don’t want you date to judge you because of what you shirt says (remember we are still in the get to know you stage). Large purses are also a no, no because it can symbolize baggage. No man or woman wants to feel like they are inheriting you problems and insecurities. Small purses symbolize that you have you life in perspective and you know what you like. A great example of a perfect outfit that you can wear to is a great button down shirt with large cuffs with a skinny or boot cut jeans. You can wear a great fitted blazer or feminine jacket. Large prints can be a distraction because you want your date to focus on you and not the large prints that you are wearing and the multi colors you have in your hair.


Ladies you don’t need to carry your entire life in a purse especially when going on a date. The top six items to carry in your purse are as follows:

1) Make-up compact with a mirror
2) Lip gloss/lipstick
3) Cash and credit
4) Keys
5) Condoms
6) Small compact comb/brush

These are the essential items that you should carry in your purse. I know that you may be wondering why I said carry condoms especially if it’s the first date and you are not planning on taking it to that level. Well I firmly believe that it is better to be safe than sorry. I can’t control how you decide to end the date but if you decide to skip the rest of the courtship and go straight to third base you want to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. But remember that going immediately to third base will not guarantee a second date or a phone call. You can remove yourself as an option as a potential partner and be moved to the hoe list.
Dating 101: How a man should dress on the first date
Dating 101: Dating etiquette