Thursday, June 20, 2013

Relationship Advice from Atlanta's Love and Hip Hop Momma Dee

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Mentally Orgasmic is not known for celebrity interviews but when we were offered a chance to talk to reality star Momma Dee from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta we jumped at that chance. Momma Dee was first known as the mother of rapper Lil Scrappy but she has made a name for herself on the show. Momma Dee is always seen giving her son relationship advice. We wanted to know what advice would she give woman when looking for a someone. 

Momma Dee:
 The first thing a woman should do is love herself first. I met a woman and I asked her if I could look in her purse. She replied "Of course you can your Momma Dee I know you have your own money and you don't need mine". I told her that if I was just some random woman on the street would you have let me look in your purse she said "no". Women need to use that same mentality when dealing with men. Why would you go out and sleep with any man you don't know. Why would you get drunk and just sleep with any man. You as a woman need to love and respect yourself first before you can expect any man to love you.

 Currently I am working on a book that is set to be released in 60 days called " My Life And In That Order". The book is based on my life. I talk about the things that I went through as a child to an adult. I talk about how my mother put me out because her new husband said he did not want me in the house. I was a child. Not many people know or understand how you feel when your mother comes to you and says "My husband doesn't want you in the house so you need to leave". I talk about my life as a pimp. I talk about the high level officials that would call me up to meet with one of my girls. I call one official out specifically. I am also reviewing some movie scripts to see if that is something else that I would like to do. 

 Love and Hip Hop is a true reality show. We are not scripted. When it comes time to do the green screen comments I tell them just cut the camera on. I don't hold anything back. I am not going to be someone else just because the cameras are rolling. That is all me that you see on television. When I give my son advice you see me telling him what I would tell him off camera. My feelings about cast members are my true feelings. Like I said nothing is scripted.

I have been vocal recently about domestic violence. I don't believe anyone man or woman needs to be in that type of situation. If a man or a woman needs to beat on you then you need to leave. There is no real love in that situation. As a mother I believe that other mothers should be the best mothers that they can be for their children. There are times when things just don't go the way we plan. In those times just focus on being the best mother that you can be.  I try everyday to be the best mother that I can be for my children. I try and give the best advice that I can. People judge me on how I speak to my son but that is just how I am. I don't believe in holding anything back when talking to my children. Some people do hold back but that is not era that I come from.

I want to thank you for giving me the time to talk to you. I want the readers and fans to know that there is more to come on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta but most importantly I want the mothers out there to just be the best mothers that they can be.