Friday, September 4, 2009


To get more of Mentally Orgasmic click this link here: INTRO Magazine
My face was still swollen from being hit in the face with a brick. I don't even know how I ended up here. Everything was so perfect between us in the beginning. I would have never done anything to hurt Aaron. One year later here I stand explaining what brought us here.

Officer Nichols: I this may be hard for you right now but can you explain when the physical abuse began?

My once sexy smile is now destroyed after having Aaron knock my tooth out after I came home late. I probably should have called but I didn't think that I was that late. During the argument Aaron threw the remote at me an knocked out my tooth. Later Aaron apologized. I know it wasn't intentional. You know how arguments get heated.

Officer Nichols: Why didn't you leave ?

I love Aaron and our child. I know I should have walked away after the Aaron tried to choke me but I know I can do things that make people wanna get at me. I want to be there for our child. Family is important to me. I believe in two parent households and our child should not suffer because of a few misunderstandings between us.

Officer Nichols: Do you remember the events of earlier today?

I don't know how I ended up here. I remember talking to my co-worker Shelley and then feeling this pain against the left side of my head. I looked around and saw Aaron standing in front of me yelling. I couldn't really hear what was being said because the sound was muffled. I touched my head and when I brought my fingers around to the front of my face i saw the blood. Before I could say anything to Aaron pounce on me and started punching me. The next thing that I remember is my hands around Aaron's throat and then everything went black.

Officer Nichols: Your co-worker ran and called security when your girlfriend hit you in the face with the brick. I want you to know that violence is never good in relationship no matter what end it comes from.

Protecting Their Children. Abused men are afraid to leave their children alone with an abusive woman. They are afraid that if they leave they will never be allowed to see their children again. The man is afraid the woman will tell his children he is a bad person or that he doesn't love them.

Assuming Blame (Guilt Prone). Many abused men believe it is their fault or feel they deserve the treatment they receive. They assume blame for events that other people would not. They feel responsible and have an unrealistic belief that they can and should do something that will make things better.

Dependency (or Fear of Independence). The abused man is mentally, emotionally or financially dependent on the abusive woman. The idea of leaving the relationship creates significant feelings of depression or anxiety. They are "addicted" to each other.
Who Can Help If You Are In An Abusive or Violent Relationship?

Help for men who are victims of domestic abuse and violence is not as prevalent as it is for women. There are virtually no shelters, programs or advocacy groups for men. Most abused men will have to rely on private counseling services. Community resources for breaking the cycle of violence are scarce and not well developed.

National Domestic Abuse Hotline
1 (800) 799 - SAFE

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